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Without Selling or Turning into a Social Media Star 

With Jamie Faye
Feminine Leadership Coach

Hi. beautiful. Tell me…

Are you a coach, a therapist or a creative who wants to create more clients from the work you love and make a living doing it?

Have you outgrown the feeling like your work is transformative but seeing that it’s not reaching as many people as it should?

Are you sick of hearing that you just need a bigger following, subscriber list or to post more on social media to have more clients?

If so, keep reading. Easeful Client Creation for Coaches & Creatives might be for you!

Does this sound like you…?


Haven’t created a sustainable flow of clients yet, or financial abundance, from your passion or purpose.

Know you have a lot to offer potential clients but don’t know where to find the ones who will pay your real fee.

Have too few clients to do this sacred work full-time?

Feel bad when potential clients say “no” and feel helpless from that point?

And you want to do one or all of these things:

✔  Create more clients with ease

✔  Fill your courses, workshops and retreats

✔  Create your first online client or move your business completely online

✔  Double or triple your income doing what you love

✔  Sell your first or more long-term coaching packages

I feel you…

7 years ago I quit my full time job to build my own coaching business.


Within a few months I had a full roster of weekly clients committed to long-term packages. (It wasn't my first time at the rodeo).

But something wasn’t right.. I couldn’t possibly reach my goal of having a 6-figure business with the rate I was charging.


I was stuck in a mindset that I was not in the right market, that I needed to learn online marketing, have lots of followers and get published to reach my goal.


I knew I was undercharging for the deeply transformative work I was doing. 

I tried some “marketing” stuff but it didn’t feel aligned and it didn’t work because it wasn’t really serving my soulmate clients.

Something big had to change.  

I had to change how I was showing up.

I expanded into my Feminine Leadership and Power.  Staying fully connected to who I really am in every conversation. I began to lead fearlessly and made serving my ultimate goal.

I understood that I cannot serve everyone and trying to make my work accessible was hurting me and keeping my soulmate clients from me as well. 

I became masterful in my craft, embodying the truth teller and empowering my clients to live and create their wildest dreams. Their results were incredible and I was feeling fulfilled.

I started to charge my real prices, and my soulmate clients were happy to pay. Strong referrals were rolling in, and my clients renewed their packages again and again.

Covid didn’t stop me or my clients either. I saw it as an opportunity to rise even higher and lead this paradigm shift.

My business grew beyond 6-figures in 2020! 

I did this while taking more time for myself, my partner, going to yoga more, spending almost every evening at the beach with my dog.

I increased the joy, pleasure and fun in my work and life to create these results. I integrated my feminine intuition and vision and masculine structure and action-taking into every aspect of my business and life. 

I’m able now to predict what my business looks like, plan for having a family and having the free life I’ve always dreamt of. 

My business goes where I go. It’s pretty amazing.

For the first time, I’m sharing my life-altering systems, tools, mindsets and strategies for building a prosperous and sustainable sacred business inside one container. It’s been 15 years in the making.

Not only am I sharing the knowledge, I’m here to guide and coach you every step of the way to reach your unique goals.

So, tell me,

How would it feel to have a full practice where you’re working only with clients you love?

What would it be like to know exactly how to enroll new clients without having to sell or convince anyone that they need your service or feeling lost every time you need to fill a spot?

What if you removed those money blocks that are stopping you from charging what you need to have the life you truly desire?

What if potential clients were asking you how they can sign up and pay you instead of you having to muster up the courage to convince them?

If that’s what you want then this course is for you.

Take 90-days to immerse yourself in a revolutionary way of working that is about seeking and feeling:




Jamie truly believes in the unique powers of women and helps you as a woman to see them as well.

Anna Zimmerman, Holistic Biz Guide

Easeful Client Creation for Coaches & Creatives is a 90-day program of live coaching calls and online course content designed to teach you how to lead your potential clients more powerfully and enroll clients more easefully into your 1:1 or group programs.

Students in this course learned how to do the following, and you can too!


Get fantastic referrals from people who like, know and trust you.


Feel certain that you know what to do each month, week and day, in order to build your ideal practice and lifestyle.


Fill your practice with soulmate clients who give you that wow I love working with him/her! feeling.


Create all of this without the need for lots of marketing or paid ads (you can still do marketing if you want).


Clear any mental or emotional blocks in yourself, your relationship, that are keeping you from truly showing up and succeeding in the way that you want.

Real Client Testimonials


Create new clients with Ease & Flow!

- Jennifer Witte, Empowerment & Mindfulness Coach


Increase Your Income & Impact

- Ashley Sunshine, Dharma Coach and Yoga Teacher Trainer


Create new clients with Ease & Flow!

- Jennifer Witte, Empowerment & Mindfulness Coach

Increase Your Income & Impact

- Ashley Sunshine, Dharma Coach and Yoga Teacher Trainer

Do the work and travel the world!

- Laura Hedeen, UX & Product Designer

Here are some questions I answer during the course:

✔  When do I know I am ready to bring in new clients? Isn’t it true I need a great website and other assets? 

✔  I get worried before I have to propose to a new client, how can I do it with confidence?

✔  I’ve thought about bringing in a business partner or someone to run the sales side of things, is that a good idea?

✔  How do I price my offers? How do I transition from working with someone for free, to charging them? How do I change my prices with new or existing clients? Should I put my prices on my website?

✔  What’s a soulmate client and how do I attract clients that I love working with? 

✔  How do I find my niche?

✔  Does all of this work with trauma work that’s different from coaching?

✔  When do I talk to my clients about renewing their packages?

✔  I’m so good at connecting with people but I don’t know how to get them from being acquaintances to actual clients. How do I do that?

*This is just a small sampling of questions I answer in this course.

Jamie is the best coach I’ve had so far. She’s also my idol in setting boundaries. Since working together my self-talk is more friendly and loving. I appreciate my work much more and because of that, I’ve doubled my income in just a few months. Jamie’s work is visionary.

Larissa Hauser, Life Coach and Coaching School Founder

This course is an Accelerator in helping you:

✔  Create Clients Now (not later) 

✔  Talk about your work with unrelenting confidence

✔  Attract clients who are truly ready for the powerful transformations you can lead them through

✔  Share the cost of your services without having to justify or feel guilty about it

✔  Create new clients by doing what you do best: serving!

What you get when you join

Easeful Client Creation for Coaches:


#1 Access to the following masterclasses: 

5 Mistakes to Avoid & 7 Mindset Shifts to Embrace to build a Sustainable, Prosperous, Sacred Biz

Become aware of the 5 biggest mistakes you’re making or will make that are preventing you from creating the clients you want. Then, learn the 7 transformative mindset shifts that will shift everything and set you on the path to sustainable easeful client creation. 

Big Picture: The Client Creation Process  

You’ll learn the difference between serving and selling, 4 states of client creation, as well as how to guide your potential client through each stage without any need for crazy marketing or paid ads! You’ll also learn the common traps that you could fall into and how to avoid them.

Mastering the Art of Coaching

I map out 15 of the most powerful strategies and mindset shifts to use with your potential clients to embody the powerful leader and coach that you are. These methods will turn you into a masterful coach and client creator no matter who your potential client is. 


Fundamentals of Intentional Manifestation 

Learn the 5-step process for manifesting a full practice of soulmate clients and learn the vocabulary to become an intentional co-creator with the universe. 

 BONUS #2 

Raising your Vibration & Processing Your Emotions 

Learn how you’re tripping yourself up and preventing the manifestation you desire and gain tools for processing your emotions so they don’t get in your way

#2 Access to 9 pre-recorded live Q&A coaching calls. 

These 9 pre-recorded live calls are a series of exclusive private sessions especially for conscious coaches, healers and all creative entrepreneurs who want to fill their practices with soulmate clients.

#3 Live Coaching 

3 Months Access to Easeful Client Creation for Coaches live Q&A Coaching calls. That’s 6 calls (2x per month). Come get your real-life client creation questions answered and get the mindset support you need to apply what you’ve learned in the course content to your business.

On our live calls you can ask questions on how to:


✔  Better support your current clients

✔  Enroll new clients

✔  Renew current clients

✔  Fire clients you no longer want to work with

✔  Ask the hard questions and when to be a soft nurturing space and how to do both at the same time! 


It’s invaluable to have a Master Coach on your side to support you in being the best coach, therapist, or creative you can be and enjoy your work even more as you get your clients closer to the life, relationships, health and professional lives they truly want. 

How it works: 

✔  Come to our calls live and ask your questions! It’s as simple as that. Everyone gets to ask a question every time. 

✔  If you can’t make it live you can pre-submit your question and we’ll answer it anyway and you’ll get the call recording.



This Course is perfect for you if:

✔  You want to make a bigger impact with your work 

✔  You’ve had some paying clients or you’ve sold your service before 

✔  Your work is transformational, you’ve seen it’s impact and that lights you up!

✔  You want more clients, higher paying clients AND/OR to learn how to enroll new clients whenever you want into 1:1 or group programs (including retreats)

✔  You don’t like selling but haven’t found a successful way to grow your business

✔  Something’s missing and marketing isn’t your thing or you’re not seeing results from your marketing efforts

“What I love the most is Jamie’s approach. I love knowing the steps I’m meant to take and combining those steps with my intuition and creativity. Jamie taught me that it should come easily and if it feels like hard work or cringe-worthy then it’s not my path.

I have gained so much confidence, stability, and structure. I signed 4 new clients who are working with me in monthly packages. I’ve had clients before, but I’ve never signed clients that easily and that fast. My biggest breakthrough happened when I understood that if I want more clients, then I can’t sit on the couch and wait for them to find me, I need to go out and create clients!”


You will create these results by learning:

The difference between getting, attracting and creating clients.


How to get over your fear of selling (and STOP selling all together).


The most powerful client-creation strategies out there.


What it means to create a sustainable referral based business, with zero to minimal use of marketing.


How and where to spend your time and attention.


How to take ownership and create your dream business.

IMPORTANT: You and you alone are responsible for your results. The testimonials on this page are from real clients of mine who have done the work and therefore created what they desired. To have the transformation you want you will need to be willing and capable of changing the way you currently see your work and yourself. You’ll need to be okay with the discomfort of change and putting yourself out there. These strategies work if you work them!

Do you want to be stuck without the soulmate clients you need to make a great living doing your sacred work? 


No? Then...

What are you waiting for? Apply now.

Easeful Client Creation for Coaches & Creatives Application Form


A year into building my business, I feel like I could do anything. I started in March 2020 and created my first client. By July I had 6 client meetings a week. In August several clients renewed their packages. By February 2021 I had 14 clients! I learned that the more action I take the more skills and confidence I gain and building and keeping momentum is very important. I’ve learned how to ask for the money I want and not to work with people I don’t want to work with.  It's crazy to me how much I know about business.


Hi, I’m Jamie!

What I love most is to support coaches, therapists and creatives who are using their sacred work to make huge waves of positive impact on the lives of others. They're creating transformational ripple effects of change on how people look at their lives, relationships and businesses.

I’ve been through it all, being an employee and building 2 businesses from the ground up, working in-person and online, succeeding and falling. My resilience and commitment to more freedom, space, ease and pleasure is what has created my success. What keeps me going are the results I see in my clients lives, their expansion and their commitment to service.

I’ve created this course to help you enroll clients with more ease, with more heart and from a place of grounded leadership. I want to see you serve your clients even better, create bigger and faster results for them while actually making your work easier and more fun!

I’ve built a thriving 6-figure business and founded the Easeful Client Creation for Coaches & Creatives as a culmination of everything I have learned about compassionate leadership, or what I call Feminine Leadership and business in the last 15 years of professional experience as an artist manager and producer, biz dev professional, relationship coach for life and business, workshop facilitator, coach trainer, yoga teacher, tao-tantric arts facilitator and rebirthing breathworker.

It’s my honor to bring you this course and invite you to contribute to the magic, growth and empowerment of all who take it and the collective we positively impact.

Common Questions